'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are October's'

'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are October's'

Tracey Speaking:

October’s really are beautiful. A splendid colour rush of dying beauty that lulls you into a false sense of security that the winter fast approaching is going to be manageable. That although the days are getting shorter and shorter, and the warmth from the sun on your skin soon becomes a fading memory. The beauty of October is that it softens the blow of the endless grey days ahead with its breathtaking display of colour. The trees at this time of year are spectacular, a walk in the forest becomes a magical experience!

October, the month of orange! From the trees in all their glory to the pumpkins in their patches! Why does it sound so inviting to visit a pumpkin patch and pick your own? An autumnal treat that I have never had the pleasure of but must add to my bucket list.

Why are October’s so inviting? Is it because the clocks have just changed and we’re eking out the very last of each day? Or is it because the weather isn’t too harsh and you can generally get away with a few more layers rather than a thick winter coat? Oh, how cosy and comforting to slip back into an oversized sweater and enjoy the slight chill in the air. I’m also a big fan of a chunky boot, so the thought of pulling back on some familiar friends is also something to relish. A pair of chunky socks and a comfortable pair of boots is the perfect companion to an October walk.

We’d really hoped to see a few of our favourite spots in full colour this month. Particularly the Forest of Dean and Tintern Abbey, but alas, it was not to be. We’ve been in local lockdown for almost 6 weeks and sadly we’ll miss those particular places of beauty. But autumn is not confined to one spot, it will not be held back as the beauty of it can be seen in our very garden. Even on our local dog walk 10 minutes away, one of the most majestic trees stands in full resplendent colour just outside our Tesco metro!

I think perhaps the Anne of Green Gable's writer, L. M.Montgomery loved October more than any other month. She wrote about it so fondly. We have been spoilt for choice recently, and completely transported back in time to Canadian winters. She wrote, ‘I couldn’t live where there were no trees - something vital in me would die.’ And she didn’t limit her love to only October as she also wrote, “It was November, the month of crimson sunsets.’ 

Let’s look forward to good things to come!

Tracey x 

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